
Can you system detect Fraud by your servers ? One of the many options that put our POSMAX system a head of the competition. Give as a call and find out why many restaurants owners choose POSMAX over Micros, Aloha, Aldelo, Harbour POS, and many others.

POSmax is a complete software solution for Restaurant management. It is a Real time server-client application with it's own JAVA object oriented database (OOD) that allows users to simultaneously send orders from Touch based pc-stations or wireless handheld units. Restaurant waitress can collect information about the orders, choose products and modifiers from a list of buttons that could have Logo icons and names for each one of them. POSmax has a search feature to improve selection of products in restaurants with a large list of items, and also has the server GUI that shows a complete map layout of the floor restaurant, servers could split tickets in equal parts.

Bartender users could review a large database of mix drinks recipes.  The system control, manage and store all orders sent to the kitchen and bar printers, manage different roll access users, easy menu configuration, inventory module, gift card module, credit card processing, multiple reports for the specific information process, Labor management with complete reference information about employee regular and overtime hours, POSmax has many features that make owners take more control about their businesses.

Helping restaurateurs with their computer and information technology needs to increase profit. Astrum understands that creating a profit in a restaurant is a challenge; it requires sales, experience, money and very good controls. Our technology is focus, on these mission-critical-requirements and improves the functionality of your restaurant by taken care of the process, the human resources and the technology. Some of the advantages that you will have using our system: Reduction in operating costs, Registration of all transactions that represent income and expenses, control of cash flow at all times, shorter wait times for costumers, provide information to waiters allowing them to promote sales and much more.


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